What We Do

Wales Cancer Biobank offers a range of services to support involvement, participation and engagement in cancer research. Watch this short video to find out more:

Who We Are

Professor Richard Clarkson

Scientific Director and PI

Professor Richard Adams

Clinical Director

Dr Lisa Spary

Operations Manager

Abby MacArthur

Senior Bioresourcing Team Lead

The Wales Cancer Biobank staff are based in Cardiff, Swansea and Newport and cover a range of biobanking activities from consenting patients and data extraction, processing sample, curating samples from clinical trials, IT and database development, coordinating projects, managing applications and administrative process.

The Wales Cancer Biobank is licensed by the Human Tissue Authority under the UK Human Tissue Act (2004) to store human tissue for research (research licence 12107).

WCB is approved as a Research Tissue Bank by Wales Research Ethics Committee (REC) 3 and is working to ISO20387:2018 Biotechnology-Biobanking-General Requirements for Biobanking.