How can WCB support your research?
WCB welcomes research applications from across the world; supplying samples and/or data for cancer related research.
Click here to discover all the ways WCB can help you with your biosample collections
Please watch this short video for information on how we can support you and your project:
WCB offers several services to the research community in addition to our large archive of biosamples and data.
The following are just a small example of some of the services available:

Bespoke Collections
If you require samples other than those stored in the WCB archive we may be able to initiate a bespoke collection. WCB has collected fresh tissue for culturing specifically for projects and has also collected sample types not usually part of the routine collection. If you do not see the sample type or tumour type that you require in the online search please contact us to discuss the practicalities of setting up a bespoke collection.
WCB is able to store samples for external projects, usually clinical trial translational collections, under the terms of the WCB licence from the Human Tissue Authority. The trial management group or PI retain responsibility for all samples including transportation; and terms of the hosting service, including processing and storage will be agreed in a written collaboration agreement. Proof of ethics approval and patient consent are requested as part of the service. Pricing will be decided on a case-by-case basis relevant to the hosting requirements.

Tissue Micro Arrays
Tissue MicroArrays are paraffin blocks which enable large scale analyses, produced by extracting cylindrical tissue cores from multiple blocks and re-embedding these into a single recipient (microarray) block at defined array coordinates. Using this technique, hundreds of tissue samples can be arrayed into a single paraffin block – permitting simultaneous analysis of molecular targets on a single glass slide. WCB has existing TMAs for prostate, breast and head and neck cancers and we can also offer bespoke TMA construction. The cost and time taken to produce arrays will depend upon the number and type of blocks to be arrayed and availability of suitably annotated H&E slides.
Using the Zeiss AxioScan Z1 slide scanning system, WCB can produce high quality digital images/virtual slides using the best Carl Zeiss objectives, ranging from 10x to 40x magnification and can achieve a pixel resolution of 0.11um/pixel with a 40x objective. Full terms and conditions of scanning can be requested from our Applications Manager. If the imaging required is for NHS diagnostic work there is no charge for the service; if it is for research, then a charge will be applied.

Laser Capture Microdissection (LCM)
WCB currently uses a PALM laser capture microdissection system. The equipment is operated by WCB staff and projects need careful discussion and costing due to the specialist nature of the equipment and consumables required.