As A Lay Volunteer
The Wales Cancer Biobank has a Lay Liaison and Ethics Group (LLEG) that is comprised of patients, lay members and project staff. This group meets 3-4 times per year in Cardiff and has an important role to play to ensure its members are actively involved in the operational decisions and future development of the biobank. We welcome and value the advice the patient members can give as people who are going through, or have gone through, the cancer journey.
Interested In Helping?
The group frequently consults on current WCB documentation and plays a huge part in helping to raise awareness of WCB with patient groups and organisations. They regularly review the communication action plan to ensure the public, patient groups, health professionals and research communities are kept up to date with developments.
If you are interested in joining this group please contact the
Central Administration Office.

Introducing Bob Hall

“ ...Let's do our best to put cancer to rest... ”
Bob Hall, LLEG Chair
Bob was a full time fire officer for over twenty years, serving in all parts of Gwent, South Wales. He became a borough councillor with Blaenau Gwent, where his interest in community health led him to become the Chair of the Gwent Community Health Council. His involvement at a local level soon led to bigger things, and Bob was elected as Vice Chair of the All Wales Community Health Council.
He has a vast experience of volunteering within his community. He is a patient member for both Kidney Bank, Wales and Diabetes Swansea.
Bob’s involvement with the Velindre Clinical Governance committee, alongside his endless support of the community and the voluntary sector, soon led to him being elected as Chair of the patient group for the Cancer Services Coordinating group.
Bob hopes that his great deal of experience both in health and social care, and the voluntary sectors across the past thirty years, will ensure he can support the Lay group in driving WCB forward to be a leading resource in cancer research.
Join with us
We are the biobank group,
Who help to close the loop.
Some are patients, some are just wanting to do some good.
Some come and join us, as I think you should
Let’s do our best to put cancer to rest,
Help our researchers to find a way
To make this terrible disease will go away.
So we can all celebrate – hip hip hooray!
This is the chance to do some good,
And help us all live in good health as we should.
So now it’s up to you, what do you do?
Come along and you will see,
We want to make a difference at WCB.